U12 - SGV-U12C-1

Hello Ice Breakers

Sep. 29 - 2017

I had an opportunity to pick up an extra ice slot for tomorrow!

As a coach, it's difficult for me to say no to any extra ice. I know this is late notice and not everyone will be able to change their weekend schedules around but would be good to have as many girls out as possible. I want to give everyone as much notice as possible, so if I do get confirmation of this extra ice, it will be tomorrow at 5:45pm at the Tri-Leisure. I know they'll be a bit tired from swimming that afternoon and it is a full ice time slot, so I've organized a fun practice. 

I will confirm with you all when I get confirmation!

Also, I am tentatively organizing the bottle drive for Oct. 15th, obviously depending on our game schedule, which should be out next weekend. We will hold it at Excalibur (Dwight's shop) in Spruce Grove. We will meet there and divide into groups and each tackle a neighborhood and meet back at the shop for pizza, drinks and bottle sorting. I'll have our jerseys available for the girls to wear while knocking on doors. Again, I'll confirm this date and time once our schedule is out!

To all that are attending the Galaxyland event tonight, I'll see you there. Let's see if we can all organize as much of our team together, to go on a few rides together if possible! 


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